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About The Farm

It's our second year in production! We are aiming to continue to grow excellent vegetables to be sold directly to our community through our online store and farm stand.


With a long passed down respect for the land, we strive to keep the farm all natural by using regenerative growing practices like no-till, crop rotation, and no chemical fertilizers.


Located on the far south end of Long Beach Island,

Tiny Shack Farm is operated by Kacey Shackleton. 

Find our Vegetables


Our produce is available to purchase at our farm stand in Holgate every Saturday at 9AM starting May 11.​


CSA Membership

A CSA, Community Supported Agriculture, is an incredible two-way support system between farmers and their local community. 


By paying upfront, CSA members recieve prioritized access to vegetables throughout the season, and farmers are given a little boost for a stronger season. 

How Our CSA Works

Tiny Shack Farm CSA Membership costs $200.

It essentially works like a charge account that you preload with funds.


The initial cost of the membership is counted as your "balance", and it goes toward all of your transactions with me. I will subtract each transaction from that preloaded balance until it runs out.   


The share is suited to you - you choose what veggies you want, you can skip a week if you're out of town, and overall, less food is wasted. 


Aside from the convenience of not taking out your wallet each time, the membership includes the option for FREE Friday deliveries and early access to our weekly online store, so you can secure your veg & beat the crowd.


If you run your balance out, reach out to me via email and we can simply add a custom amount to your account. 



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